Protecting the Dënesųłiné Way of Life

Athabasca Basin IPA

CPAWS Saskatchewan has partnered with the northern communities of the Athabasca Basin as represented by Ya' thi Néné Lands and Resources and the Government of Saskatchewan to create a new Indigenous Protected Area (IPA). This project will protect over 600,000 hectares of thriving boreal forest and sub-alpine tundra, ensuring that the vast stretches of land that both woodland and barren-ground caribou need to thrive are not destroyed by industry and urban development.

The Indigenous communities with whom we have partnered will be the administrators and the stewards of the IPA, ensuring that their traditional values and legacy of responsible land use are upheld for generations to come.

Visit this page in the coming months for updates on the establishment of this new and exciting Indigenous-led project! 


Take Action

Caribou habitat, Caribou people

The stewardship of vast stretches of untouched ecosystems needs your help. Donations to this project fund our supportive role and the education of local community members as they learn the skills they need to Keep Canada Wild.
Make a Donation

Threats to the Basin

As an umbrella species, the caribou (both woodland and barren-ground) that roam the Basin are a good indicator of the overall health of the ecosystem. Their dwindling numbers are a sign that more (and better) protection measures are needed.

Industrial Activity

While logging and peat mining are not a threat in the North like they are in Central Saskatchewan, the mineral-rich boreal shield is under great threat of pollution and disruption from mines of every variety-- especially uranium.

Habitat Loss

Fires, industry, urban development; they all have an impact on the size and quality of the caribou habitat in the Athabasca Basin. Roads represent major linear disruptions, and mines pollute the land, water, and skies.

Stand with the Denesųłiné. Stand with the caribou. Protect Nuhenéné.

This is the third episode in our series of mini-documentaries on Saskatchewan's wild spaces and the people who are protecting them.