Cumberland House to celebrate Delta Day

Stew ColesNews

Falls in Athabasca

Cumberland House will celebrate a year of effort in saving the delta tomorrow with Delta Day, an event that helps the community understand how important the river is, said Chief Rene Chaboyer.

Restoring 71 – A Prairie in Transition

Nicole DollCommunity Features, Featured

Katie and Aaron Suek - Restoration 71

In 2014, we bought a little patch of prairie. After a century of growing crops and hay, this 71-acre prairie was no longer pristine. It was not untouched. This prairie was not a native grassland, it was not a cropland, and it was not a hay land. This prairie was in transition.  

Supporting Reconciliation through Conservation

Nicole DollBlog, Education

Gary drives airboat near water's edge.

It is important to remember that what we call home is the ancestral territory of the Indigenous People of Canada. The Numbered Treaties are integral to the relationship between Indigenous communities and Canada.


Nicole DollBlog, Education

A view of wetlands within the Boreal Forest.

Wetlands perform a multitude of ecosystem functions that are important to both the environment and humans. Flood control, a place for biodiversity, and a canvas for beautiful sunsets are just some of the features that wetlands have to offer, and their positive impact on our ever-changing world speaks for itself. Where would Saskatchewan be without wetlands?

Diversity is Key to Resilient Ecosystems

Stew ColesEducation

Photo of Saskatchewan grasslands by Nich Gabruch

During a time when the climate is changing and species are dwindling, Saskatchewan’s biodiversity is in need more than ever. What is biodiversity, what is threatening it, and what can you do?