For the second year in a row, CPAWS SK hosted the Boreal Bio-logue in Prince Albert. The focus was combining Indigenous and Western knowledge
Cumberland House to celebrate Delta Day
Cumberland House will celebrate a year of effort in saving the delta tomorrow with Delta Day, an event that helps the community understand how important the river is, said Chief Rene Chaboyer.
Boreal Bio-Logue 2021
When opportunity knocked on the door, CPAWS-SK and PA Model Forest jumped on it. We wanted to help people understand the differences between old and new boreal forest.
Woodland and Barren ground Caribou: What’s the Difference?
Woodland and Barren ground caribou are both native to Saskatchewan. What are the similarities between the two? What are the differences?
Boreal Bio-Logue hopes to catalogue species in forests around Prince Albert
The Prince Albert Model Forest and Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) Saskatchewan are starting a project to track progress in forests around Prince Albert.
Caribou and Connectivity
Landscape connectivity in ecology can be defined as “the degree to which the landscape facilitates or impedes movement among resource patches”. Habitat connectivity is essential for caribou survival.
What is Threatening Woodland Caribou?
Woodland caribou have been listed as threatened on the Species at Risk Act since 2003. Habitat disturbance is a large threat to the species and climate change will inevitably have an impact.
Woodland Caribou (Boreal Population)
Woodland caribou are a large mammal species that often get mistaken for moose on the Canadian quarter. They are an iconic species that roams the boreal forest as an indicator and umbrella species and they play a critical role to some Indigenous communities.
CARIBOU – the Iconic Species with Many Roles
This is not only troubling for the ecosystem but is very worrisome to Indigenous peoples, as relying on the caribou and the land in the future is of utmost importance.
Caribou as Unsung Heroes: an Indicator and an Umbrella Species
Woodland Caribou are both an umbrella and an indicator species. Are they a Keystone species? What do these terms mean? What are some other local examples? What is the role of these species for conservation?
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