Caribrew is currently out of production; follow us on Facebook to watch for the next batch!
Prairie Sun Brewery and Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society Saskatchewan have teamed up once again to bring you Caribrew: A heady taste of Northern Saskatchewan brewed with peat smoked malt harvested in caribou country.
Buying this rich stout supports CPAWS as it works to restore dwindling woodland caribou herds to healthy populations once more. Read on for more information on the woodland caribou, the brewing process, and the partnerships that CPAWS makes to protect the environment.

Woodland Caribou in Saskatchewan
The woodland caribou was once found in nearly every forested area in what is now Canada and the United States. But over the past 100 years, their habitat has shrunk dramatically. Today, woodland caribou are mostly confined to Canada’s northern Boreal Forest.
The iconic woodland caribou acts as an “indicator species” for wilderness areas. They are very sensitive to disturbance and can only thrive in intact forests. When woodland caribou populations are healthy, chances are that other species in the area are healthy too.
Engagement with industry, First Nations, Métis and stakeholders is key to the development of range plans. These plans will guide how to restore damaged caribou habitat through: better forest management practices; ensuring that new or other industrial development sites do not pose a risk to caribou; managing road, trail, and seismic line activity; and planning future land use that sustains caribou range and a healthy boreal forest.
Take Action
Protect Woodland Caribou
Woodland caribou are an umbrella species: if they're happy, the entire ecosystem is happy. Help us protect caribou, and keep Saskatchewan wild.
Making Caribrew
Caribrew is a complex stout brewed with peat smoked malt. The peat was carefully harvested from caribou country in Northern Saskatchewan. This beer is extremely smooth and pours with a creamy thick head. The smoky aroma and taste of chocolate, tobacco, and burnt barley are all indications of the high quality ingredients used in this brew.
Caribrew is a story of collaboration and conservation at its best. Prairie Sun Brewery and CPAWS have teamed up to grow awareness of the ongoing problems the woodland caribou face. The iconic species is on the path to extinction due to habitat loss and expanding industrial development in their traditional range. As a voice for caribou across Canada, CPAWS is working with many partners to reverse this trajectory and see healthy woodland caribou numbers once more.
Watch this video to learn more about the Caribrew story and brewing process from Gord Vaadeland, the executive director of CPAWS Saskatchewan.
Making A Difference
A Bou-tiful Partnership
When we partnered with Prairie Sun Brewery two years ago to create Caribrew for Canada’s 150th anniversary, little did we know how intensely popular our boreal stout would be.
When we dreamed Caribrew up, CPAWS-SK envisioned a beer that would taste great and help us raise awareness around the current predicament of the woodland caribou in northern and central Saskatchewan.
Our long-term vision here at CPAWS is to keep at least half of Canada’s public land and water wild, forever. To make sure that there is a wilderness to protect, we are very active both on the provincial and the national front as a voice for the woodland caribou. Though their numbers are in decline as industry, wildfires, and urban development push them out of their native habitat, we believe that with the right protective measures we can ensure that their population makes a resurgence and the ecosystem that they inhabit lasts forever.
The owners of Prairie Sun Brewery, Heather Williams and Cameron Ewes have been sharing their passion for craft beer out of their Quebec avenue location since May of 2013. Their mission is to brew delicious beer with quality local ingredients and grow Saskatchewan’s craft beer industry one batch at a time.
Learn more about their team’s dedication to buying and selling local here.